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AETA’s Ministrieson

AETA accredits the degree programs of theological schools in mission fields according to its accreditation standards and actively supports these schools in becoming fully equipped educational institutions



AETA facilitates 'contextualization' of education to suit local conditions in mission fields through annual meetings of school principals and international regional research meetings. It also supports the development of curricula focused on field ministry, in addition to basic theological education and training.



 AETA emphasizes continued education and retraining for on-field ministries through two distinct curriculum tracks: A-Track (academic-focused) and B-Track (ministry-focused).


AETA’s main ministries

 ① Degree Accreditation and School Development Support: AETA accredits theological degrees in mission fields based on its own evaluation standards and actively supports these schools in becoming well-structured and fully equipped educational institutions. 


 ② Meeting with school principals and representatives of each organization: Annually, AETA hosts meetings with representatives and principals from approximately 80 accredited and consortium organizations, aiding schools in mission fields to develop curricula that are tailored to local needs through 'self-theologizing' and 'self-missiologizing'. 


 ③ Connection with Faculty and Researchers: AETA enhances the quality of education by connecting mission field schools with an extensive network of over 100 specialized faculty members and researchers. 


 ④ Credible Education and Cooperation Enhancement: AETA collaborates with well-established schools to help mission field schools provide internationally recognized education and degrees. 


 ⑤ Training of Teaching Personnel and Enhancement of Teacher Capabilities: AETA focuses on training necessary teaching personnel and enhancing the professionalism of teachers at general schools through education and training programs for its member schools. 


 ⑥ Continued Education and Retraining: AETA offers continued education and retraining programs for active field ministries and graduates of various schools, supporting ongoing learning and professional development. 


 ⑦ Sharing Educational Materials and Management Programs: Through Network Attached Storage, AETA provides high quality educational and lecture materials to schools and students in mission fields and shares administrative and academic management programs to practically support school operations. 


 Through these initiatives, AETA contributes to improving the level of education in mission fields, providing region-specific education, and maximizing the overall effectiveness of the missionary efforts.

AETA’s Theological Accreditation and Training for Faculty and Teachers.

Object of Accreditation 

 AETA focuses on developing leaders who can contribute to the expansion of God’s kingdom through various theological educational institutions worldwide. For this purpose, educational institutions including graduate schools of theology, theological seminaries, Bible schools, institutes of theology, pastoral training institutes, and missionary training institutes are evaluated according to AETA’s accreditation standards. These institutions are evaluated according to AETA's accreditation standards. The purpose of this evaluation is to ensure that these institutions can provide education and ministry that are appropriate to local conditions, practice 'self-theologizing' and 'self missiologizing', and offer practical, field-focused education. This process is designed to support the institutions in enhancing their ability to effectively train leaders for various ministerial and academic roles. 

Accreditation Program 

The AETA Accreditation Committee endorses programs within the academic and ministry sectors as follows. 

These programs are designed to provide initial training and certifications in various fields.

 ① Training/Certificate Program:

 ②  Diploma Program - Associate Degrees: Recognized as a preliminary academic credential.

 ③  Undergraduate and Theological Studies: Programs such as B.A., B.Th., B.Cm., B.Miss,, B.Ce., B.Min., B.Coun., which cater to a broad spectrum of academic and ministerial training.

 ④ Graduate School Programs: Academic Sector: Advanced degrees including M.Div., M.A., Th.M., D.Min., D.Miss. Ministry Sector: Degrees focused on ministry practice such as M.C.M. (Master of Church Ministry) and D.C.M. (Doctor of Church Ministry).

Regular Training and Scholarship Ministries for Faculty and Teachers in Theological and General Schools

 ①  Training Programs for Faculty Development: Tailored programs aimed at developing faculty members at theological schools and providing scholarships for local leaders.

 ②   Capacity Building Programs for Teachers and Professors: Enhancements to ensure that educators at various institutions are equipped with the skills and knowledge required for effective teaching and leadership.

 ③  Traveling Forums for Faculty and Teachers: Organizing forums that travel to different schools to provide ongoing education and engagement with faculty members.

 ④  Meetings for School Principals: Fostering growth and exploration of development opportunities through regular principals' meetings.

 ⑤  Regional Study Meetings: Advancing regional studies and pursuing 'self-theologizing' and 'self-missiologizing' through dedicated study groups focused on contextual education.